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The Characteristics of Reality Dynamic Counseling in Real Counseling Process

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2008, v.14 no.특집, pp.349-365

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The Reality Dynamic Counseling which reflects Korean culture and Korean sensibilities has been introduced as a model of Korean counseling approach. This is a qualitative study to examine how the characteristics of Reality Dynamic Counseling appear upon the real counseling process for the clients who were physically attacked by their own son and were brought to this counseling export from juvenile counseling service center. The major properties of Reality Dynamic Counseling are grasping the problem with connecting whole context, dealing with an external world as well as an internal world, emphasizing a role in relation with others, serving as a fosterer or an educator for counselor, confronting a client to awake from a disillusion, restoring to the good relationship between a parent and a child, and pulling a client to the relation with people. These properties are well brought out in the real counseling process. The Manual written by a counselor which gives us detailed commentary on counseling process was selected and analyzed in this study because the protocol between a counselor and a client was too large quantity and it could not show on how to change like facial expression and voice.

현실역동상담, 한국적 상담모형, 역할, 직면, 엄부자모, Reality Dynamic Counseling, a model of Korean counseling approach, role, confrontation, a stern father and an affectionate mother



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues