The ‘education panic’ is one of the most phenomenal social issue in the current Korean society. The explanations of it until now, however, are rather superficial in a way that they only describe apparent facts and its seriousness, rendering further examination of the psychological motivation of parents who are the protagonist of education panic necessary. With 548 elementary, middle, and highschool students and their parents, the present study has investigated the impact of parents' past experience of ‘han’, regret, and learning effect regarding education on their parenting style as well as on their children's academic experience. The result revealed that parents' learning effect was related with more affective/autonomous parenting style and reasonable expectation for their children's educational career. On the contrary, parents' ‘han’ and regret indicated relationship with hostile and controlling parenting style and also with blind intention toward their children's educational career. The negative emotions also seemed to increase their children's academic stress, and lower academic self-efficacy. Such results suggest that the extraordinary education panic in Korea is more than a simple quantitative matter of intensity. The psychological basis and motivation of the people included, a much more quantitative information, should be taken into account.
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