The purpose of this study is to propose what psychological education is needed for activation of interchange between the South Korea and the North Korea and ultimately for the completion of Korean unification. We learned this reason from the German unification case. The Germany was unified 17 years ago, but many researchers evaluate that it will take about 30 years more for German people to complete real and inner unification. So, we proposed our own unification education in a psychological aspect for faster and inner unification, which is based on the principle that we should go ahead according to our situation, not simply follow the way Germany went. Therefore, we should start psychological education for unification from now on, even though unification is not accomplished at the present and Germany didn't do that. Because we can predict the pre-unification (interchange) stage would be long unlike the Germany, psychological education for unification is needed during this interchange stage consistently. For the person-oriented unification education, we should educate adaptation-enhancement strategy for each person to keep psychological stability in the interchange and unification stage, beyond simply educating ideology focusing on the political and structural unification.
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