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The influence of driving situational adaptability and chronic disease on driving behavior of elderly drivers

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2008, v.14 no.2, pp.1-19

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This research investigated the influences of excessively careful driving as well as chronic disease and medications on dangerousness of traffic accident in elderly drivers. Ninety-one drivers aged 65 years and older participated in the research. To evaluate the driving behavior, we used the self-rating on driving ability questionnaire asking driving speed, the amount of driving and driving situation adaptability' and surveyed the drive career, the number of violations and accidents experience(crash, crashed) for last three years. A review of the driving patterns of elderly drivers showed that the speed and amount of driving were decreased by increasing age. ‘Driving- Situational Adaptability (DSA)’ consisted of 2 factors such as ‘Social Environment(SE)’ and ‘Physical Environment(PE)’. Elderly drivers reported that their confidence level was lower in PE than in SE. Moreover they had higher difficulty and stress in PE than in SE. DSA of elderly drivers had significant correlations with ‘crash’ and ‘crashed’. This implies that excessively careful driving of elderly drivers directly associated with accidents. Elderly drivers who have nervous system disease or gastritis had more crash accidents. The majority of elderly drivers which take medicine by chronic disease don't think that medications give don't difficulty or inconvenience in driving and constantly drives during a term of taking medicine.

고령운전자, 운전상황적응능력, 사회적 적응환경, 물리적 적응환경, 만성질환, elderly drivers, Driving­Situational Adaptability, Social Environment, Physical Environment, chronic disease, elderly drivers, Driving­Situational Adaptability, Social Environment, Physical Environment, chronic disease



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues