Existing studies show that authoritarians are obedient to the powerful even though they are coercive to the weak. However, the personal relationships are very diverse even in the range of the authority relations. The purpose of this study is to explain the differences in the obedience to authority between authoritarians and non-authoritarians in some situations which have different authority-levels. This study presumed that obedience to authority is affected by their own authoritarianism. For this study, four scenarios were used to provide subjects with the situations that are different in the strength of authority. And the results demonstrated that people behave differently according to the level of authority. The result showed that in the low-authority situation authoritarians tend to obey less to the authorities than non-authoritarians. This result is different from existing ones. It follows from what has been said that the loss of authority in Korea partially comes from the double standard of the authoritarians according to the strength of authority.
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