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Factors influencing family life-satisfaction among Korean adults: With specific focus on social support from spouse, trust of children and self-efficacy

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2008, v.14 no.4, pp.71-101

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This study examines factors influencing family life-satisfaction, focusing specifically on the role of spousal social support, trust of children and self-efficacy. Based on previous studies, two hypotheses were generated. A total of 857 adults (111 fathers and 111 mothers parents of elementary school students and 108 mothers and 108 fathers of high school students) completed a questionnaire consisting of self-efficacy scales (Bandura, 1995) and social support and life-satisfaction scales developed by the present researchers. LISREL analyses fully supported Hypothesis 1 and partially supported Hypothesis 2. First, spousal social support had a direct and positive effect on family life-satisfaction. Second, self-efficacy had a mediating effect between spousal social support and family life-satisfaction. Those respondents who received higher social support from spouse had higher self-efficacy, who in turn had higher family life-satisfaction. Third, trust of children did not have a direct effect on family life-satisfaction. Fourth, trust of children had a direct and positive effect on self-efficacy, which in turn had a direct and positive effect on family life-satisfaction. The results indicated that those respondents who had higher trust of children, had higher self-efficacy, who in turn had higher family life-satisfaction. Self-efficacy plays an important mediating role in increasing Korean adults' family life-satisfaction. This study reveal the importance of indigenous psychology in unraveling the factors influencing family life-satisfaction among Korean adults.

가족, 생활만족도, 사회적 지원, 자기효능감, 신뢰, 토착심리, family, life-satisfaction, social support, self-efficacy, trust, indigenous psychology



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues