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Positive Clinical Psychology: Focusing on Mental Fitness and Positive Psychotherapy

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2009, v.15 no.1, pp.155-168


The purpose of the present manuscript is to introduce positive clinical psychology. We reviewed the two main areas of positive clinical psychology: mental fitness and positive psychotherapy. The historical background of the concept of mental fitness as well as the relationship between mental fitness and mental health literacy was examined. In addition, positive psychotherapy and conventional psychotherapies were compared and contrasted in order to enhance the understanding of positive psychotherapy. Lastly we introduced the Korea University Mental Fitness Positive Psychotherapy Program. Based on this review, the limitations and future prospects of positive clinical psychology were discussed.

긍정 임상심리학, 멘탈 휘트니스, 정신건강 교양, 긍정 심리치료, 고대 멘탈 휘트니스 프로그램, positive clinical psychology, mental fitness, mental health literacy, positive psychotherapy, Korea University Mental Fitness Program



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues