This study examines that how can we pursuit the happiness through sport activities. For achieves this purpose, focusing specifically on what is happiness, physical happiness process and psychological happiness process. Therefore, this study was started that sport have an influence of individual's physical and psychological health. The conclusions of this study are like that: Individual's participation in sport is very important. Sport experience requires understanding of inherent meaning attached to sport and ongoing efforts to acquire wisdom to capitalize on sport in an appropriate manner. Sport experience should be deemed as a means of serious activities and pursuit of happiness. In sport participants, someone's age is not meaningful. As getting old, a sport participate rates and happiness are increasing. Especially, In aging society, This facts are very meaningful. Therefore Sport participation is closely related to the perceived quality of life and happiness. It can be further suggested that physically active sport-leisure participation rather than passive or sedentary leisure involvement increases perceived quality of life and happiness. Happiness is life itself.
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