Present research is conducted for understanding the happiness of Korean people. In psychology, the happiness has been studied as subjective state which an individual perceives such as wellbeing(SWB) and satisfaction of life(SOL). However, the perceptions of people would be effected by their own culture, so the happiness has to be considered as a cultural concept. “Haengbok(幸福)”, the Korean traditional concept of happiness has to be considered in various viewpoints. Many conditions will be needed to experience the feeling in Korea. However, in many cases, the “Haengbok” is formal expression. The practical term to express the feeling of happiness might be “Shinmyeong”. Shinmyeong is one of the Korean unique positive feeling. The term Shinmyeong has been used widely in the context of celebrating happy life in Korean culture. According to former studies, Shinmyeong has influence not only on people's self esteem and self resiliency but on their SWB and SOL. The features and meanings of Shinmyeong is introduced and discussed to extend the discussion about happiness and culture.
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