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The Relation between Mobility and The Psychological Well-Being of Elderly drivers

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2009, v.15 no.2, pp.251-271

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This research measured a concept of mobility which is included objective travel behavior as well as psychological and physical mechanism that influenced travel behavior. And then, this research examined the relation between mobility and the quality of life in elderly drivers. In research 1, to evaluate the reliability and validity of “Mobility Questionnaire(MQ)”, we tested “MQ” to 207 drivers aged 20 years and older. In research 2, we examined the mobility level of elderly drivers. Also we investigated the influence that mobility of elderly drivers impacts on their quaility of life. we used “MQ”, “Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire(PWBQ)” to 91 drivers aged 65 years and older. To factor analysis, MQ consisted of ‘Safe Driving Ability(ADA)’, ‘Travel Increase(TI)’, ‘Travel Decrease(TD)’, ‘Social Activity(SA)’, and ‘Driving Situational Adaptability(DSA)’. The amount and speed of driving of elderly drivers reduced driving behavior than other drivers. Also, elderly drivers negatively assessed their physical abilities for safe driving and felt a low confidence in specific driving situation. On the other hand, elderly drivers take parts in social activity constructively. A review of the relation of mobility and quality of life showed that mobility of elderly drivers had positive correlation with PWB. Specially, ‘ADA’, ‘SA’, and ‘DSA’ had significant correlations with PWB of elderly drivers. The mobility of elderly drivers had an effect on ‘Autonomy’, ‘Environmental mastery’, ‘Self-acceptance’, and ‘Positive relations with others’.

고령운전자, 이동성, 심리적 안녕감, Elderly drivers, Mobility, Psychological Well-Being



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues