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Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Depression in Korean American Men

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2010, v.16 no.3, pp.221-240

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The purpose of this study is to examine the prevalence of depression in Korean American men and factors associated with the Korean American men's depression by examining how depression is affected by socio-demographic characteristics, immigration-related characteristics, and psychological and social characteristics. Socio-demographic characteristics include age, education, occupation, and monthly income. Immigration-related characteristics include years in the U. S., being U. S. citizens, and acculturation level. Psychological and social characteristics include anger, marital satisfaction, and social support. Using an availability sampling method, data were collected from 201 Korean American married men who were between the ages of 20 and 64 and resided in Los Angeles County. This study used a structured self-administered questionnaire. Due to the unreliable responses, five questionnaires were excluded from the study. Therefore 196 completed questionnaires were used for the data analyses. In order to measure the respondents' depression, the CES-D(Center for Epidemiological Studies of Depression) was used in this study. In the hierarchical multiple regression analyses, monthly income, anger, marital satisfaction, and social support were significantly associated with the respondents' depression. However, there were no significant associations between depression and age, education, occupation, being a U. S. citizen, and acculturation. Implications of the findings for mental health practitioners and social works are discussed.

정신건강, 우울증, 우울증 영향요인, 재미한인남성, mental health, depression, risk-factors, Korean American men



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues