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The Objective and Perceived Level of Economy and Its Relationship with Mother's Mental Health, Parenting Behaviors, and Problem Behaviors in Preschoolers

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2011, v.17 no.3, pp.343-364

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This study investigated the objective and perceived level of economy and its relationship with mother's mental health, parenting behaviors, and problem behaviors in preschoolers. Data drawn from mothers and teachers of 238 preschoolers, ages 3-5, were used. Using the objective and perceived level of economy, subjects were classified into four groups. Individuals categorized as high by objective and perceived level of economy, low by objective and perceived level of economy, high by objective and low by perceived level of economy, and low by objective and high by perceived level of economy were categorized as in-agreement/high group, in-agreement/low group, over-estimator group, and under-estimator group, respectively. To investigate the difference between groups, one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc analyses were used. The results showed that in-agreement/low group and under-estimator group showed greater depression and anxiety than in-agreement/high group and over-estimator group. In addition, in-agreement/high group and over-estimator group showed greater affective parenting behaviors and lower aggressive parenting behaviors than in-agreement/low group and under-estimator group. In terms of internalizing problem behavior by mother, in-agreement/high group and over-estimator group were lower than under-estimator group. In terms of externalizing problem behavior by mother, in-agreement/high group was lower than under-estimator group. However, in terms of internalizing and externalizing problem behavior by teacher, there was no difference between groups. In externalizing problem behavior by teacher, in-agreement/low group was lower than over-estimator group.

실제 경제수준, 지각된 경제수준, 어머니의 정신건강, 어머니의 양육행동, 유아의 문제행동, objective level of economy, perceived level of economy, mother's depression/anxiety, parenting behavior, problem behavior in preschoolers



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues