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A Qualitative Study of Conceptualizing Jajonshim

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2013, v.19 no.2, pp.203-234

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This study was performed to clarify ‘jajonshim’ which is different from self-esteem in its social representation and concept in Korean society. In order to refine the notion of ‘jajonshim’, we first referred to literature and short essay on jajonshim and analyzed its cultural meaning and social representation in Korea. As a result, jajonshim was considered necessary condition for human beings in Korean culture. Although jajonshim was not well recognized normally, it became critical when it was threatened by others and considered to be what one must save as well. Furthermore, the ground theory designed by Strauss and Corbin was utilized in order to analyze Korean interviewees’ experience of jajonshim. Koreans believed that their jajonshim was injured when others disrespected their values, which consequently produced negative emotions. When their jajonshim was damaged, people also used 3 coping strategies to recover it. Based on the results, jajonshim was distinguished from self-esteem. First, jajonshim is a type of self-awareness people experience when they are disrespected; thus, it is different from self-esteem which is maintained stable regardless of any events or situations. Second, unlike self-esteem which is solely evaluated by oneself, jajonshim is evaluated by other people’s point of view. This study shows that jajonshim exists in the context of Korean culture and has significance in clarifying the cognitive structure and experience process of jajonshim.

jajonshim, self-esteem, ground theory, 자존심, 자존감(self-esteem), 근거이론



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues