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Psychological Symptom to Work-Life Balance: An Examination of Negative Belief in Emotional Expression and Emotional Clarity among Working Men and Women

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2017, v.23 no.3, pp.333-359

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We examined the moderator roles of negative belief in emotional expression and emotional clarity between work-life balance and psychological symptoms (depression, anxiety and somatization). Also we identified gender differences in their moderating effects. This study was based on a sample of 869 married working employees (man: 424, women: 445). Hierarchical moderated regression analyses showed that work-life balance, negative belief in emotional expression and emotional clarity were strongly associated with depression, anxiety and somatization. While negative belief in emotional expression significantly moderated the relationship between work-life balance and depression and anxiety, emotional clarity showed no significance. We found gender differences in moderating effects of two moderators. In specific, the only women who had more negative belief in emotional expression were more psychological symptoms in a low work-life balance situation. On the other hand, the only men who had higher emotional clarity were less depressive and anxious under the conditions of high work-life balance. We discussed about implications of these results.

일과 삶의 균형, 일-가정 갈등, 정서표현신념, 정서명료성, 우울, 불안, 신체화, work-life balance, work-family conflict, negative belief in emotional expression, emotional clarity, depression, anxiety, somatization



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues