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The Qualitative Exploration of Dysfunctional Religiosity for Well-being

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2018, v.24 no.2, pp.193-220


This study aims to analyze qualitatively the people’s dysfunctional religiosity for well-being. The participants of this study were 6 the clergy and 6 believers (devotes). The clergy included three pastors of Protestant churches, two Buddhist monks (male and females), and one Won-Buddihst monk. Six devotes included two Protestants, two Catholics, and two Buddhist. There were one female in the clergy and three females in devotes. Data gathered from narrative interviews were analyzed with techniques based on Giorgi’s phenomenological strategies and procedures. Twenty two topics derived from their assertions and statements, nine main meanings were classified based on those topics. Main meaning were reward-seeking religiosity, authority oriented religiosity, selfish religiosity, blind or unconditional religiosity, asocial religiosity, inactive religiosity, inexperienced religiosity, emotionally problematic religiosity, and cognitively problematic religiosity. Based on derived topics and main meaning, suggestions for further studies, for example the scale development, and information of strategies for promoting well-being of religious persons were discussed.

qualitative study, dysfunction, religiosity, faith, well-being, 질적 연구, 역기능, 종교성, 신앙, 웰빙



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues