This study examines the validity of the Filial Responsibility Scale-Adult (Past), developed by Jurkovic and Thirkield (1999), among Korean university students in their twenties. First, a preliminary scale consisting of 30 items was developed by translating the original scale into Korean and item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were conducted on 249 subjects. Based on the exploratory factor analysis, items in the emotional parentification factor were either deleted or included in the other remaining factors, resulting in a two-factor model containing 15 items. In order to confirm this, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on 318 independent subjects. As a result of a confirmatory factor analysis of the two competing models - the three-factor model consisting of 30 items based on the original scale and the two-factor(emotional experience and caring behavior) model consisting of 15 items gained as a result of the exploratory factor analysis - the two-factor model showed more suitable and the original scale was revised accordingly. The convergent validity, discriminant validity and predictive validity were all found to be satisfactory. Based on such results, implications, limitations and suggestions on follow-up studies are discussed.
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