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Korean adolescents' indigenous understanding of safety: With specific focus on cognitive representation of accidents, safety efficacy and parental influence

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2003, v.9 no.특집, pp.89-105

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The purpose of this paper is to explore Korean adolescents' understanding of safety using the indigenous psychologies approach. This paper examines Korean adolescents' experience of the type of accidents they were involved in, what they perceived to be the cause of the accident, the type of social support received after the accident, and the prevention needed to avoid future accidents. The indigenous understanding of accidents is examined according to the grade level of the students, gender, and safety efficacy beliefs. Second, to examine the changes in the safety efficacy beliefs, the differences across primary, junior high, and senior high school students are examined. Third, the relationship between safety efficacy belief and attitudes toward preventing future accidents is explored. Third, the parental influence on adolescents' safety efficacy belief is examined by analyzing the influence of their socio-economic status and their safety efficacy belief on their children's safety efficacy belief and behavior. The review of the results can be summarized into the following five main points: (1) decrease in safety efficacy belief with increasing age, (2) positive relationship between safety efficacy belief and behavior, (3) the utility of the indigenous psychologies approach, (4) the parental influence on their children's safety efficacy beliefs and behavior, and (5) the need to further explore, promote, and educate the importance of human life and quality of life by preventing accidents and promoting safety consciousness and behavior in Korea.

안전에 대한 토착심리, 안전사고에 대한 표상, 안전효능감, 안전사고 예방행동, 부모의 영향, 안전사고의 내용, 안전사고의 원인, 안전사고 후의 사회적 지원, 안전사고의 예방, 자기효능감, Korean adolescent's indigenous psychology on safety, cognitive representation of accidents, safety efficacy, accident prevention, parental influence of children's safety efficacy, experience of accidents, cause of accidents, social support, self-eff, Korean adolescent's indigenous psychology on safety, cognitive representation of accidents, safety efficacy, accident prevention, parental influence of children's safety efficacy, experience of accidents, cause of accidents, social support, self-eff

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues