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Effect of Temporal Integration on the Direction of Short Range Apparent Motion

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology / The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, (P)1226-9654; (E)2733-466X
1992, v.4, pp.115-126
Woo Hyun Jung (Yonsei University)
Chang Sup Chung (Yonsei University)
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Four experiments were performed to investigate the effect of temporal integration on the direction of short range apparent motion. In each trial of the experiments, a set of random-dot cinematogram(RDC)s of which dot elements move in random directions were successively presented together with a certain proportion of biased dots moving in a particular direction. The measurement of interest was whether the effect of the biased dots on the coherent global motion impression of the RDC increases as a function of the number of successively presented RDCs across time. Existence of such incremental effect was interpreted as an evidence of excitatory temporal interaction among the moving dots in short range motion. Results of the experiments show, first, that the temporal integration effect exists only when the successively presented RDCs satisfy the constraints of short range motion. Second, the effect of temporal integration in the direction of biased dots increases as a function of the number of RDC images. Third, the effect occurs, as it can be expected in the short range motion, more apparently when the biased dots moving in a particular direction ramains the same than when they are changed from one frame of RDC to another. Fourth, the temporal integration effect is greater when the density of a RDCs is low than when it is high, which can be interpreted as an indication of the reduction of the processing load associated with correspondence problem.


The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology