This study investigated the effects of social presence as means of self-awareness and interpersonal-awareness on the cyber-aggressive behavior. The cyber-aggressive behavior (flaming and direct aggression use of character) should be differ from existence of social presence and type of social presence of internet users. To test hypothesis, an experiment was executed a field study on cyberspace, an on-line game, "fortress 2 blue forever". I made a chat-room in the game site to conduct an experiment to 107 person who entered the chat-room and blinded ignorance of this situation made by researchers. As the subjects enter the chat-room, he chats with 3 researchers who were waiting before he gets in. The social presence was operated with 3 phases by the contents of the chat (①control group; nothing, ②experimental group 1; reaction about other people ③experimental group 2; reaction about other people + self-exposure by an exchange information of their home region). The studies show that, subjects of the control group behaved more aggressively than other subjects of the experimental groups(both flaming and direct aggression use of character). Meantime, I compared experimental group 1 with experimental group 2 to investigate difference between the type of social presence. As the result, subjects of the experimental group 1 behaved more aggressively than experimental group 2 (only flaming, there's no difference in direct aggression use of character).
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