The present research integrated various theoretical perspectives of human unlawful behaviors in order to clarify the psychological mechanisms that underly the changes in compliance with and attitude toward law as time goes. Most well-known theories such as classical theory of crime, biosocial and evoluationary theories, and psychological perspectives including psycho-dynamic theory, personality, intellectual/moral development theories, and decision-making were discussed in their unique points in explaining human unlawful behaviors. Finally, social-learning theory and cognitive-dissonance theory has been suggested to explain the psychological mechanism of the phenomena in which people's attitude toward law and compliance with law become weaken through violation experiences of trivial lawful regulations. Especially, the logic of cognitive-dissonance theory (that people committed violation of trivial laws should experience dissonance with their original belief of compliance with law and negative arousal and try to remove the arousal by change their belief along with their behavior) were theoretically convincing to explain the phenomenon and supported by a series of experimental studies. Several practical implications for future constitutional and political activities were discussed in the basis of the cognitive dissonance theory.
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