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The Effects of Contact with North Korean Residents on Trust and Acceptance by South Koreans

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2005, v.11 no.특집, pp.97-115

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This study investigated the factors that influence the attitude, trust, and acceptance toward the North Korean residents by South Koreans. Three hundred and ninety-two South Koreans, including 222 with no contact experience with North Korean residents and 170 with contact experience, answered a questionnaire. The experience group included police officers who provide protection and settlement service, labor counsellors, social workers, church people, college classmates and tutors, and teachers in alternative schools for North Korean youths. The results indicated that protecting police officers have highly negative attitudes in both cognitive and affective dimensions and also show low trust and acceptance. Teachers in alternative schools, on the other hand, were found to have both positive and negative cognitive evaluations of North Korean residents, but still maintained positive affect and high trust and acceptance. People with no contact experience had negative affect along with pity, and showed medium level trust and acceptance. The distinctive difference between the police officers and teachers were attributed to the individual characteristics such as authoritarian personality and uncertainty avoidance rather than to the frequency or depth of contact. The most important determinant of trust and acceptance were found to be the affective component. The implications of these findings on the selection and training of interface personnel and peace education were discussed.

North Korean residents, North Korean refugees, attitude, trust, acceptance, authoritarian personality, uncertainty avoidance, 북한이탈주민, 탈북자, 태도, 신뢰, 수용, 권위주의 성격, 불확실성 회피경향



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues