This research examined the effect of social anxiety on psychological adaptation. Higher the social anxiety, higher in neurotism & worry but lower in Psychological Well-Being and Satisfaction with Life. Among the sub-factors of social anxiety, negative adaptation was significantly predicted by personal anxiety. However positive adaption were predicted by personal anxiety, fairness anxiety and future anxiety. Among the sub-dimensions of social anxiety, negative and positive adaptation were significantly predicted only by anticipatory anxiety. And there were significant positive correlations between social anxiety and aggressive/give-up response. Particularly, personal anxiety was the predictor of aggressive response, but safe anxiety and political anxiety were the predictors of give-up response. The dimension predicted the aggressive/give-up response was anticipatory anxiety dimension. Finally, respondents used problem solving stress coping strategy most. But the respondents whose social anxiety level especially safe anxiety and political anxiety were high used wishful thinking strategy. Moreover higher the reactive anxiety level, more frequently used the avoidance coping strategy.
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