The purposes of this study were to find 1) the realities of social anxiety and perception of various kinds of social problems that exists in Korean society as well as the perception on the events that causes the social anxiety, 2) to see the difference of perceived level of social anxiety through variables of social demography and difference of perception on Korean society. The sample was distributed according to population size distinguishing the nation to 6 regions. The data of 1,375 adult respondents were analysed. The results are as follows. First of all, respondents mentioned that the most immediate problem to be solved in Korean society was financial anxiety, and the most desirable state of society was when the society is financially stabled. Single question was measured about social anxiety of Korean society and scored 6.84 from full marks of 10, showing difference in variables for instance sex, age, and subjective S.E.S. where women, aged under 20, and perceived low class group showed the highest rate of social anxiety. However, there weren’t any difference found in social anxiety of the variables like presence of religion, educational background, residence, and monthly average household income. Also, there were differences in level of social anxiety according to the difference of perception of Korean society. Higher the perceived unpredictability, uncontrollability, and unmovability to the upper class, unfairness, and uncertainty, unreliability of the Korean society, higher the social anxiety. And the lower the perceived chance of success of reformation, higher the social anxiety. It was also found that the perceived social anxiety is influenced by social accidents and phenomenon as unemployment, economic depression, and the gap between rich and poor as well as the increase of crime through effluence of personal information. Finally the limitations and implications of this study were discussed.
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