There are less studies on the elderly suicide even though it's steep increase. The purpose of the present study was to investigate factors that influence on the elderly suicide and to categorize them. For these purpose, A total of 23 cases were analyzed through qualitative contents analysis. Specifically, on the basis of the stress-vulnerability model, we scrutinized vulnerability factors(classified personal, family-environment factors) and precipitating events (classified interpersonal events) influencing on the elderly suicide. Personal factor was to be classified into personal mental health, physical health and problematic behavior. Family-environment factor was divided family relationship problem and economic problem. Interpersonal events belonging to the precipitating events was to be classified into interpersonal loss and interpersonal conflict. As the results of this study, elderly suicide classified into 3 types, that is, ‘risk type suicide’, ‘event-response type suicide’, ‘complex type’. And then we discussed the characteristics of the suicidal types and suggestions for reduction of elderly suicide.
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