In this article, a fairly extensive literature review was conducted to depict the current status of academic motivation and its developmental trend among Korean adolescents. The focal factors were perceived competence and autonomy which have been considered as major determinants of academic motivation. Theoretical frameworks adopted were self-efficacy theory, expectancy-value theory, and self-determination theory. Empirical studies conducted in Korean educational settings during the past decade were the target of the literature review. Results of the literature analysis revealed that, in general, there was a decreasing tendency in perceived competence from elementary to middle school which followed by a slight increase after entering high school. Similar trend revealed in the development of autonomous motivation, in that middle and high school students' intrinsic motivation levels were lower than that of the elementary groups. The amotivational tendency was increased as the grade level proceeded toward high school, which requires attention from educators. Discussion was followed in an attempt to provide plausible interpretations for this undesirable current status of Korean adolescents' academic motivation and to suggest implications for possible remedial actions both in pedagogical perspectives and students' well-being.
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