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The development of explicit and implicit race attitudes in Korean elementary students and race attitude change in the multi-cultural age

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2009, v.15 no.1, pp.49-79

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This study examined how the explicit and implicit race attitudes differ according to age and gender from the developmental perspective in Korean elementary students. The study also investigated the efficacy of a multi-cultural education program on explicit and implicit attitude change in elementary school students. This thesis consists of two parts. In Study 1, elementary school students(first grade:117, fourth grade:117) completed Explicit Attitudes Rating Scales, Explicit Preference Test, and Child Implicit Association Tests (Korean-White/Korean-Black/ Korean-Southeast Asian IATs). The effects of age and gender on explicit and implicit attitudes toward Korean/White/Black/Southeast Asian were examined with two-way MANOVA. The results demonstrated that as age increases, in-group preference/out-group bias decrease on the explicit level. In contrast, on the implicit level, as age increases, in-group preference/out-group bias do not decrease. Rather, prejudiced attitudes toward blacks increase. Study 2 was performed to investigate the effect of a multi-cultural education program on explicit and implicit attitude change toward races in elementary school students. The program conveying an anti-bias message consists of three sessions, and the procedures are as follows; watching video clips, confirming contents and short discussion. Two classes in the program and two classes in comparative groups on the first and fourth grade of elementary school were assessed. The results showed that black preference significantly increased both in the first and the fourth grade elementary students on the explicit attitude level, but not on the implicit level. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.

인종, 명시적, 암묵적, 태도, 한국대학생, 외국대학생, Korean, race, explicit, implicit, attitude development, attitude change



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues