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Psycho-Social Determinants of Subjective Well-being and Physical Health of a Retired Elders in Korea: A Longitudinal Study on the occupational classification

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2009, v.15 no.2, pp.291-318

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The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of psycho-social factors (social relationship and personal) as well as illness history and economic status on physical health and subjective well-being among the retired Koreans elderly. Data were collected from 1,315 elders (mean age = 72.70yrs) residing in Seoul and Chuncheon regional area via interviews(Time 1), and them were re-interviewed two year later(Time 2). Multiple regression analyses indicated that the retired elders’ illness history, economic status, marital satisfaction, fulfillment of self-esteem need, drinking behavior, positive affectivity, negative affectivity and physical health to predict their subjective well-being at Time 1(R2=.705). The retired elders’ economic status, marital satisfaction, positive affectivity, negative affectivity and physical health to predict their subjective well-being at Time 2(R2=.418). The retired elders’ illness history, economic status, expectations for one’s offspring, drinking behavior and subjective well-being to predict their physical health at Time 1(R2=.364). And the retired elders’ illness history, economic status, marital satisfaction, positive affectivity and negative affectivity to predict their physical health at Time 2(R2=.265). In case of retired elderly, suggested for the psycho-social determenants of subjective well-being and physical health by occupational classification. The implications of this study and the suggestions for furture study were discussed.

한국 노인, 은퇴, 직종, 주관안녕, 신체건강, 종단연구, Korean elderly, retirement, occupational classification, subjective well-being, physical health, longitudinal study



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues