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A Development of Awareness Scale of Korean Men and Women on Singleness

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2012, v.18 no.1, pp.79-96

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The main studying problem of this study is to develop the scale which examines awareness of singleness for Korean men and women. So, firstly, study 1 fulfilled open survey related to condition for solitary life, its strengths and weaknesses and factors disturbing it for 490 unmarried and married people (244 men and 246 women) who are living in Seoul and capital area. And then, content analysis and category analysis were analyzed for their responses. As the result, each questionnaire was divided into economic aspect, relative aspect, characteristic aspect, eco related aspect, family aspect and social system aspect. Study 2 organized questionnaires for condition for solitary life, its strengths and weaknesses based on the material obtained in study 1 and then, exploratory factor analysis was conducted for total 800 adults (400 men and 400 women) who are living in Seoul, capital area, Incheon and Chungnam. As the result, the condition for solitary life extracted 5 factors including ego-maturity factor (24 questionnaires, total explanation quantity: 61.7%), strengths of solitary life extracted 6 factors including self-growth factor(29 questionnaires, total explanation quantity: 61.4 %) and weaknesses of solitary life extracted 6 factors including solitary factor(31questionnaires, total explanation quantity: 64.75 %). For verifying the suitability of the factor structure, as the result of conducting confirmatory factor analysis for 400 people (200 men and 200 women), the suitability of awareness scale model of men and women on singleness was verified. Those results were discussed from the aspect of variables and phenomenon related to singleness and marriage of Korean society.

Single, marriage, childbirth, and scale development, 미혼, 결혼, 출산, 측정도구개발



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues