The predominant concern of the study centers on: (1) the direct effects of the job satisfaction, social support and hope on the individual's quality of life; (2) the direct effect of hope alone on the individual's quality life; (3) the mediating effect of the hope between the job satisfaction/social support and life quality; (4) the moderating effect of the worker's legal status(legal labors Vs. illegal labors) on each causal relationship. Research is based on a survey conducted with 453 Mongolian immigrant workers(333 legal workers, 120 illegal workers) from 10 cities including Seoul. In order for respondents to address research questions, structural equation models are explored. A variety of tests are conducted(metric invariance test, critical ratio for difference test, multi-group analysis, bias-corrected boot-strapping, latent mean analysis including Cohen's effect test). The noticeable findings are as follow: First, both job satisfaction and social support have a positive influence respectively on the individual's hope and the individual's quality of life. Second, we found a partial mediating effect of hope between both job satisfaction/social support and the individual's life quality. Third, we failed to find a moderating effect of the workers' legal status on each causal relationship. Finally, there is no significant difference of the latent means of each latent variable -job satisfaction, social support, hope, and life quality - between the legal group and the illegal group, except the latent mean of workers' quality of life. A range of practical and political implications are discussed based on the study's findings.
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