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The Effects of Traumatic Event Type on Posttraumatic Growth and Wisdom: the Mediating effects of Social Support and Coping

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2013, v.19 no.3, pp.319-341

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This study investigated the mediating effects of social support and coping on the relation between traumatic event type, posttraumatic growth and wisdom by the data from 247 adults by using path analysis. Besides, the difference of the level of posttraumatic growth and related variables between traumatic event type groups. At first, The results of the MANCOVA, person-related traumatic event group were higher than the non-personal traumatic event group in negative coping and trauma stress level, and lower in social support, positive coping, posttraumatic growth and wisdom. The path analysis results shows that traumatic event type was related to wisdom by mediate factors. Traumatic event type affected wisdom through social support, positive coping, posttraumatic growth. The significant mediators were social support, positive coping, posttraumatic growth. Negative coping was not a significant mediator between event type and posttraumatic growth. The results show that non-personal traumatic event group are tends to have high level of social support, positive coping, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom. In the end, we described that the implication and the limitation of this study and suggestions for following studies.

posttraumatic growth, traumatic event, social support, coping, wisdom, path analysis, 외상후성장, 사회적 지지, 대처, 외상 유형, 지혜, 경로 분석



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues