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The Prejudice against Kopino Mothers: A Cross-cultural Study of Korea and Philippines

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2018, v.24 no.2, pp.337-364

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Abortion is prohibited in the Philippines by the law of Christianity. Korean fathers wanted abortions when Filipino mothers were pregnant with their babies(Kopino). However, Filipino mothers had to give birth to the Kopino babies. Therefore, Kopino mothers bring up their babies alone. This study tried to measure and compare what Korean and Filipino evaluate towards Kopino mothers explicitly or implicitly. In addition, this study examined how their attitudes towards Kopino mothers change when the Christianity was primed. As a result of this study, Filipino participants, both explicitly and implicitly, liked more about Kopino mothers than Korean participants. Also, Korean participants showed a little positive explicit attitude and implicit attitude towards Kopino mothers. However, Korean males answered that they liked Kopino mothers at the explicit scale, but they had a negative attitude against Kopino mothers at the implicit level. After activating the Christianity by priming, Filipino participants showed a significant increase of positive attitude towards Kopino mothers at the implicit level. On the other hand, Korean participants remained unaffected. Hence, the priming effect of Christianity varied by country. This study confirmed that Korean females didn’t have prejudice against Kopino mothers like Filipino but Korean males had prejudice against them.

Kopino mothers, Philippines, explicit attitude, implicit attitude, Christianity, 코피노 어머니, 필리핀, 명시적 태도, 암묵적 태도, 기독교



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues