There have been many efforts to reduce prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness in our community. Studies have shown that the threat to people with mental illness is a important factor. In this study, we focused on contact experience and sense of community that are believed to influence both realistic and symbolic threat We looked the differences in threat depending on the type of contact(family, friends/coworker, public places, no contact) with people with mental illness. Next, if there is contact experience, we questioned that the quality of the experience could influence the threats in all types of contact. Finally, could contact experience and sense of community affect the threats? The total of 465 respondents were surveyed in this study. The result showed that the realistic threat were not different depending on the types of contact, but that the symbolic threat were more higher people with no-contact experience than people with contact experience. The quality of experience had a significant effect on both threats, except in the case of the family contact on realistic threat. Lastly, sense of community was analyzed as a significant variable for both realistic and symbolic threats. Based on these results, we discussed the impact of contact and sense of community and implications of this study.
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