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Latent Profile Analysis of Meta-Awareness of Gender Discrimination Among Korean Young Adults: Group Differences in Gender Role Conflict, Sense of Distance from the Opposite Sex, and Support for Gender Discrimination Issues

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2020, v.26 no.4, pp.351-378

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The purpose of the study was to identify the latent classes of meta-awareness of gender discrimination among Korean young adults using Latent Profile Analysis based on ‘perceived ambivalence toward men among women’, ‘perceived ambivalent sexism among men’, ‘perceived gender(reverse-) discrimination in Korea’. After identifying the latent classes, the difference between gender role conflict, sense of distance from the opposite sex, and support for gender discrimination issues were explored among the classified groups. As a result, 3 latent classes among women and 2 latent classes among men were identified. Latent classes among women were named ‘women with low sensitivity of sexism’, ‘women with high sensitivity of sexism’ and ‘women against sexism’ and latent classes among men were named ‘men with perception of gender equality’, ‘men with perception of reverse discrimination’. Types with higher levels of meta-awareness of gender discrimination were related with higher gender role conflict and higher sense of distance from the opposite sex. Among women, types with higher levels of meta-awareness of gender discrimination perceived higher levels of gender discrimination and showed more support for gender discrimination issues while among men, types with higher levels of meta-perception of gender discrimination only perceived higher levels of reverse discrimination. Based on the present findings, implications about the severe gender conflict among Korean young adults are further discussed in the article.

Awareness of Gender Discrimination, Gender Discrimination, Social Conflict, Latent Profile Analysis, 성차별 메타-인식(meta-awareness of gender discrimination), 성별갈등, 잠재프로파일 분석



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues