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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues

  • P-ISSN1229-0661
  • E-ISSN1229-0661
  • KCI

The Relationship between the Behavioral Characteristics of Elderly and Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2010, v.16 no.1, pp.1-18


This study examines the characteristics of traffic accidents involving elderly pedestrians by analyzing relevant data vis-à-vis fatal pedestrian accidents and proposes solutions to reduce such accidents. We analyzed 3,853 cases of fatal accidents involving elderly pedestrians and 1,786 cases involving younger pedestrian (these cases reflect accidents that occurred from 2005 to 2008). The results show that accidents involving the elderly occur more frequently in rural areas than urban areas, especially in autumn; this condition applies even in situations where the elderly exhibit compensation behaviors such as walking on safer roads. We found that elderly pedestrians exhibit a defective behavior in crossing roads, especially in complicated road conditions where intersections and turning/reversing vehicles represent a menacing threat. These characteristics could be explained by the degenerated physical/mental ability of the elderly and by psychological factors such as reduced level of self-confidence.

고령보행자, 교통사망사고, 확신수준, 보상행동, elderly pedestrians, fatal traffic accidents, confidence level, compensation behavior



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues