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Narcissism and sexual Aggression: The Mediating Effects of Entitlement Rage and Sociosexuality, and Moderating Effects of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies (CERS) and State Empathy

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2015, v.21 no.3, pp.377-394

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The purpose of this research was to identify the relationship between specific personality characteristics and maladaptive social behaviors in order to contribute to development of a pragmatic intervention for the prevention of sexual aggression. This was accomplished by examining the mediating effects of entitlement rage (K-PNI) or sociosexuality (K-MSAS) on sexual aggression, and moderating effects of cognitive emotion regulation strategies (K-CERQ) or state empathy (K-CMEM) on sexual aggression in narcissistic men. Data were obtained from male college students (n = 264) who completed self-report questionnaires, such as K-NPI and K-CMEM, and hierarchical regression analysis was applied to examine these relationships. Both entitlement rage and cognitive emotion regulation strategies were found to be unassociated with sexual aggression. Rather, sociosexuality was the mediating factor between narcissism and sexual aggression, Whereas state empathy was a moderating factor between narcissism and sexual aggression. These findings indicate a tendency for sociosexuality to increase sexual aggression in males. However, individuals with low state empathy are more likely to show sexual aggression than those with high state empathy, indicating that intervention for increased state empathy may be a more effective treatment than cognitive emotion regulation strategies.

narcissism, entitlement rage, sociosexuality, cognitive emotion regulation, state empathy, sexual aggression, 자기애, 성폭력, 특권분노, 허용적 성태도, 인지적 정서조절, 상태공감



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues