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A Study on type and characteristics of organization-related negative affect.

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2015, v.21 no.4, pp.617-647

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The purposes of this study was to develop a valid scale measuring organization-related anxiety and to use this scale to examine the relation of organizational anxiety to demographic variables, job satisfaction and organizational committment. A series of studies were conducted to develop a scale for organizational anxiety. Initially, the 97 items were adopted by expert ratings. A exploratory factor analysis with a sample of 435 workers yielded a preliminary version of organizational anxiety scale with 28 items. Subsequently, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted with a sample of 566 workers, leaving 20 items. The final version of the organizational anxiety scale consisted of 4 sub-factors: perception of future uncertainty, perception of locus of control, interpersonal anxiety, and perception of alternatives. In this study, the examined demographic characteristics included sex, age, type of occupation, type of industry, occupational position, monthly income and educational level. Organizational effectiveness was composed of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As mediators, organizational culture, life satisfaction, self efficacy, and social support were explored. The negative relationship was observed between organizational anxiety and organizational effectiveness. The results showed the significant differences in organizational anxiety by demographic characteristics. The mediators were explored for the relationship between organizational anxiety and job satisfaction and between organizational anxiety and organizational commitment. The negative relationship between organizational anxiety and job satisfaction was mediated by the group culture, the developmental culture, the rational culture, life satisfaction, self-efficacy, and social support. Individuals with the higher level of these mediators reported greater job satisfaction even if they experienced organizational anxiety. The partial mediation effect of the group culture, the developmental culture, the rational culture, life satisfaction, and social support was observed on the negative relationship between organizational anxiety and organizational commitment. These results implies that job satisfaction and organizational commitment can be improved with the interventions on organizational cultures, self-efficacy, and social support despite the presence of organizational anxiety. Based on these results, the implication and limitations of this study and the directions for future research discussed.

Organization-related Anxiety, Negative affect, Uncertainty, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, mediation, 조직관련 불안, 부정적 정서, 불확실성, 직무만족, 조직몰입, 매개



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues