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How sensation seeking affects burnout: A moderated mediation model of Type A driving behavior and meaning of work

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2016, v.22 no.1, pp.19-39

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Though research has shown that public transportation drivers experience greater burnout than other drivers, the sources of their burnout and possible mediators remain largely unknown. In response, in this study we investigate the relationships among sensation seeking, Type A driving behavior, and meaning of work to elucidate the burnout experienced by bus drivers in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. To collect data regarding these relationships, 188 bus drivers answered a questionnaire involving the sensation seeking scale, burnout scale, and meaning of work scale. Results showed that Type A driving behavior mediated the relationship between sensation seeking and burnout, while meaning of work moderated the mediated model. These findings demonstrate that sensation-seeking bus drivers tend to experience greater burnout given their tendency to exhibit Type A driving behavior, and this relationship depends on perceived meaning of work. This study therefore contributes meaningful information and outlines significant implications in understanding drivers’ burnout.

public transportation driver, sensation seeking, type A driving behavior pattern, burnout, meaning of work, moderated mediation, 직업운전자, 자극추구성향, A형 운전행동 패턴, 직무소진, 일의 의미, 조절된 매개효과



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues