Previous research has demonstrated that imagined contact is useful to reducing prejudice against minorities (e.g. Turner & Crisp, 2010). In this research, we investigated whether imagined contact increases attraction to physically unattractive women, and whether this effect is moderated by perceiver's physical attractiveness and appearance orientation in romantic relationships. Single male participants (n = 98) responded to items assessing their physical attractiveness and appearance orientation, and then were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions. In the imagined contact condition, participants were told to imagine communicating with a physically unattractive woman and come up with some interesting things about her. In the control condition, participants were told to simply imagine a physically unattractive woman. Next, participants saw a picture of a physically unattractive woman and rated her likeability, perceived attractiveness, and willingness to ask her out, which were averaged to form the composite measure of attraction. We found a significant main effect of imagined contact, as expected. This main effect was moderated by appearance orientation, but not by perceivers’ physical attractiveness. The effect of imagined contact was significant among those low in appearance orientation, but not among those high in appearance orientation.
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