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SThe Possibility of Application of the US CASA Program in Korea -Focusing on comparison of child protection service between USA and Korea

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2018, v.24 no.3, pp.473-489

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Our society has an obligation and responsibility to respect and protect the character of the child. Recently, however, Korean society has been suffering from child abuse and abuse that is pouring out every day. In order to protect these children, the child protection system and the judicial system should be fundamentally child-friendly. The CASA(Court Appointed Special Advocates) volunteer program, which is being held in the United States with such a concern, is a continuing program of court attendance and emotional support services for abused children throughout the United States. In Korea, however, there are many similar programs such as mentoring projects, dream co-supporters project similar to the CASA program in various organizations of the region and the enactment of the Act on the Punishment of Child Abuse increases the involvement of the public system in child abuse. There is also an increased awareness of children's rights and strengthened government intervention through active monitoring to prevent recurrence of child abuse. These changes in the Korean society should be actively reviewed by the US CASA program and settled as a national project in the Korean society so that the system of protecting the safety and rights of the victims of child abuse will be established. It is anticipated to be a way to prevent social problems from occurring in advance.

CASA, child protection, child abuse, foster care, CASA(법원임명특별옹호자), 아동보호, 아동학대, 가정위탁



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues