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The Effect of Negative Experience Related to Work-Family Multiple Roles on Internalizing Problems of Employed Mothers with Preschool Children: The Mediating Effect of Sociotropy

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2019, v.25 no.1, pp.55-77

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Negative experience related to work-family multiple roles has been associated with internalizing problems in mothers. In particular, employed mothers with preschool children report high degree of stress. As such, the need to examine potential factors that may explain and alleviate such difficulties has been emphasized. The purpose of this study was thus to examine the mediating effect of sociotropy on the relationship between negative work-family multiple roles and internalizing problems in employed mothers with preschool children. The Negative Experience of Work-Family Multiple Roles Scale, Adult Self Report (ASR) Scale, and Personal Style Inventory-Ⅱ (PSI-Ⅱ), were completed by 208 employed mothers with preschool children through an online survey. The results indicated that the direct effect of negative experience of work-family multiple roles on internalizing problems was statistically significant and the indirect effect of sociotropy in this relationship was significant. These findings suggest that sociotropy in employed mothers may indirectly explain internalizing problems related to multiple roles. The implications of sociotropy in negative experience of work-family multiple roles and internalizing problems are discussed.

negative experience of work-family multiple roles, internalizing problem, sociotropy, employed mothers, 다중역할 부정적 경험, 내재화 문제, 사회지향성, 전일제 직장여성



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues