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The traditional Korean society has been classified as an Eastern collectivist culture, but in the flow of globalization and digitalization along with the post-Cold War era of the 1970s, Western individualistic culture and values quickly permeated the Korean younger generation. Since rapid changes occurred within a short period of time, there may be differences in cultural self-construal between generations living in the same era. Due to this, psychological problems related to emotional expression and suppression may appear differently depending on generations. Therefore, in the current study, 1,000 Korean adult men and women from their 20s to 60s were investigated for their level of independent and interdependent self-construal, alexithymia, ambivalence over emotional expression(AEE) and emotional suppression(ES). Then the relationship between the variables(self-construal and alexithymia,) and the mediating process of AEE and ES were examined. The generation of participants were divided into the industrialization cohort (birth year < 1970) and the digitalization cohort (birth year starting from 1970). Using the PROCESS macro(Hayes, 2022), we tested a serial mediation model of AEE and ES between the relative independent self-construal(RIS) and alexithymia. The results indicate that the level of alexithymia increases by the serial increase of AEE and ES when RIS decreases. Next, we examined a moderation effect of generatione on the mediation process of AEE and ES, and found that generation moderates the relationship between ES and alexithymia. That is, the effect of ES on alexithymia is significant for the digitalization cohort, while it is not significant for the industrialization cohort. The current results imply that emotion regulation strategies of Koreans have been differently developed according to prevailing cultural values in each generation, and that the negative influence of emotion suppression could be different according to the cultural background of each generation.


This study examined the moderating effects of age and gender on the relationship between values and communication styles of Korean adults. Five hundred adult men and women across the country responded the questionnaires regarding cultural universal values (openness to change, self-enhancement, conservatism, and self-transcendence), cultural-specific values (collectivism, conformity to norms, emotional self-control, family recognition through achievement, and humility), high-context communication style, and low-context communication style. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of exploring the factors influencing the communication style, self-enhancement, emotional self-control, and self-transcendence significantly predicted the high-context communication style. Whereas openness to change, self-enhancement, conformity to norms, emotional self-control, and gender significantly predicted the low-context communication style. Second, age moderated the relationship between self-enhancement and high-context communication style. The high-context communication style significantly increased when the level of self-enhancement was high and the age was younger. Third, age and gender moderated the relationship between conformity to norms and high-context communication style. In the case of males with high conformity to norms and younger age, the high-context communication style significantly increased. Fourth, gender moderated the relationship between collectivism and low-context communication. As collectivism increased, men tended to increase low-context communication styles, while women tended to decrease it. Fifth, gender moderated the relationship between humility and low-context communication. In the case of women with high humility, their low-context communication style was significantly lowered. The implications and limitations of the results of this study were discussed.


The aim of this study is to examine the longitudinal mediation effect of coping strategies(emotion-focused, problem-focused, and maladaptive) on the relationship between perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and psychological distress(negative affect, depression, anxiety, and anger). ). Also, This study sought to find generational differences between coping strategies used during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 941 adult aged between twenties and seventies. The final participants were recruited on two separated longitudinal time points, Time 1 and Time 2. The result were as follows: Only Maladaptive coping strategy(Time 2) had a mediating effect on the relationship between COVID-19 stress(Time 1) and psychological distress(Time 2). . The result of the generation-based multi-group analysis did not yield significant differences in the use of coping strategies. This study is meaningful that it longitudinally examined the psychological distress of adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Implications, limitations and directions for future research are presented.


This study was conducted to determine how analytic-holistic thinking style, one of the cultural characteristics, affects intentionality judgment and what role the crime typicality plays in the process. To this end, the psychological mechanism of intentionality judgment was confirmed in cases where the criminal typicality was manipulated by the moral characteristics of the crime perpetrator and victim. As a result, higher the criminal typicality lead to higher intentionality judgement. In addition, it was found that people with relatively holistic thinking style (with high causality and perception of change) judge less of the perpetrator intentionality. In particular, it was confirmed that the analytic-holistic thinking style interacts with criminal typicality and affects the intentionality judgment. Specifically, people with a holistic thinking style (high causality) judged the perpetrator to have high intentionality in typical cases, but judged in a reverse way in atypical cases. It means that, holistic thinkers, compared to analytic thinkers, strongly judge intentionality based on criminal typicality considering the moral characteristics of not only the perpetrators but also the victims. Along with the significance of this study, the relationships among analytic-holistic thinking style, criminal typicality and intentionality judgment were discussed.

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues