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The purpose of this study was to compare the predictive accuracy of traditional prediction models (methods) and machine learning algorithms in predicting suicidal behaviors. The research aimed to go beyond a systematic review level and scientifically examine the predictive capabilities of these two techniques through meta-analysis, analyzing variables identified through domestic research, particularly at the regional level. In order to achieve this, a total of 124 studies, including 50 studies utilizing machine learning and 74 studies employing traditional methods, were included in the meta-analysis. The results of the study revealed that the integrated area under the curve (AUC) for studies using traditional methods was .770, which was lower than the integrated AUC value of .853 for studies using machine learning. Particularly, studies conducted in Asia (AUC = .944) demonstrated higher accuracy compared to studies in Western countries (AUC = .820) and Korea (AUC = .864). Additional analysis of the moderating effects in domestic research indicated that a higher proportion of males and the prediction of suicide attempts were associated with higher prediction accuracy. On the other hand, prediction accuracy was lower when the prediction target was suicide deaths and when studies utilized neural network analysis. This study synthesized various research findings on the prediction of suicidal behaviors, verified the effectiveness of prediction using machine learning, and holds significance in exploring variables applicable in the context of South Korea.


Childcare support for working mothers is crucial for women’s smooth transition into society, career development, and well-being. Based on interviews with 10 Korean working mothers with children aged 0-2, this paper explores the process of utilizing childcare support services, psychological experiences, and plans for work-life balance using the grounded theory analysis method. The analysis revealed three categories: the decision-making process before using the childcare services (past), experiences during the use of childcare support (present), and future plans for work-life balance (future). The decision-making process before using childcare support services consisted of the following categories: seeking information about childcare support services, having family discussions during the decision-making process, the proposer and decision-maker of the services, and the final decision on childcare support services. Experiences during the use of services included economic burdens, changes in postnatal career paths, disparities between expectations and the reality of pre- and post-childbirth, discrepancies between expectations and reality in work-family balance, factors affecting of quality of life, and the division of household and childcare responsibilities with husbands. Plans for future work-life balance included categories such as the desire for career advancement, the desire to maintain a career, the desire for temporary or reduced career commitment, and uncertainty regarding future career plans. Finally, the study investigated whether there were differences in the past and present service usage processes and experiences based on plans for future work-life balance. This research suggests the need for multidimensional support for working mothers’ work-family balance and well-being, and highlights the need to reduce uncertainty about women’s future careers.


This study examined the actor-effects and partner-effects of overt narcissism as a personality factor and conflict resolution styles as an interpersonal factor on marital satisfaction among couples. Data were collected from 337 couples through a survey conducted by a research institute. Structural equation modeling and individual mediation effects were verified using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model (APIMeM) in the AMOS 28.0 program. The results of this study are as follows: First, both husbands' and wives' extraversion showed direct self-effects on their own marital satisfaction. Additionally, husbands' overt narcissism demonstrated a direct partner-effect on wives' marital satisfaction. Second, overt narcissism in both husbands and wives showed indirect self-effects through conflict resolution styles on marital satisfaction. Higher levels of husbands' overt narcissism influenced wives' maladaptive conflict resolution styles, which in turn affected marital satisfaction for both husbands and wives. This study highlights the importance of husbands' overt narcissism and wives' conflict resolution styles as significant variables influencing marital satisfaction. It suggests that differentiated interventions considering overt narcissism traits and gender-specific characteristics could potentially enhance marital satisfaction for couples.


This study examined the relationship between prosocial motivation and acquiescent, defensive, and relational silence behaviors, and identified the mediating effect of emotional job burnout. We also examined whether these relationships differed depending on whether the organization is currently working virtually or not. To this end, we collected 359 samples from Korean employees working in general office jobs below managerial positions using online survey methods. The data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and PROCESS Macro, and the results showed that the relationship between prosocial motivation and acquiescent, defensive, and relational silence behaviors was mediated by emotional job burnout, with a partial mediation effect for acquiescent silence and a full mediation effect for defensive and relational silence behaviors. Furthermore, these relationships were found to be the same regardless of whether employees worked virtually or not. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings, limitations of this study, and suggestions for future research.


This study aimed to identify latent profiles of anxiety and anger symptoms experienced by Korean adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and factors that influence group classification. To this end, a latent profile analysis(LPA) was conducted on 1,434 Korean adults from February to March 2021 after the pandemic was announced. First, as a result of confirming the suitability of the latent model, a 5-class-model was found to have the best model fit with ‘low anxiety/high anger group(Group 1)’, ‘low anxiety/low anger group(Group 2)’, ‘middle anxiety/middle anger group(Group 3)’, ‘middle anxiety/high anger group(Group 4)’, ‘high anxiety/high anger group(Group 5)’. Second, gender, economic status, emotion-focused coping, and dysfunctional coping were significant predictors of group classification. Third, there were differences between latent groups in PTSD symptom and suicidal ideation. Finally, discussions and implications of the study were discussed.


This study examines the moderation effect of social support and acceptance of sexual orientation on the mediation effect of through rumination on the relationship between microaggression against sexual orientation and LGB’s depression. To this end, an online survey was conducted among cisgender homosexuals and bisexuals aged 18 years and older, and 380 participants were ultimately selected for the study. The results of the study were as follows. First, the correlations of all variables were significant except for the relationship between rumination and acceptance of sexual orientation. Second, rumination partially mediated the pathway of microagression against sexual orientation predicting LGB’s depression. Third, the moderated mediation effect of social support and acceptance of sexual orientation on the relationship between microaggression, rumination, and depression was found. The effect size of social support was found to be larger than that of acceptance of sexual orientation. Based on these findings, the implications of the study, possible interventions in counseling, and suggestions for further research were discussed.

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues