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Vol.22 No.1


This article examined several experimental studies that have used a naming task. This task turned out to be quite sensitive to strategies affected by stimulus lists and instructions. Lack of task analysis seems to have produced a false impression of distributed processing regarding neural bases of naming processes. A recent review also demonstrated the same lack of task analysis in the neural basis of self concept.


Several problems in studying Hangul information processing were discussed. First, the ideal of Hangul orthography to perfectly transcribe Korean pronunciation has long been dominating among Korean scholars as well as Korean people, which can bias studies on Hankul information processing. Second, the problems caused by the Hangul-only system which insists on using Hangul only and expelling Chinese characters from Korean texts were discussed. The author pointed out that more efforts to scrutinize the consequences of ambiguous Kulja-morpheme correspondence of Sino-Korean words resulting from the system should have been made. Third, unification of two Hangul orthographies from North and South Korea is an urgent issue, which has to be solved for the year 2013 compilation of Gyeoremal-keunsajeon (Unabridged and Unified Korean Dictionary). The unification issue should be approached from the psychology of reading, and cognitive psychologists can play an important role. Finally, other controversial issues such as transliteration of foreign words were also discussed from the standpoint of reading efficiency.


Five experiments were performed to compare the effects of inner and outer segments on the neon color spreading using the modified Redies-Spillmann figure. Experiment 1 examined the effect of collinearity of inner and outer segments on neon color spreading and experiment 2 compared the effect of continuity. Experiment 3-1 and 3-2, investigated the effects of same space and length of colored segments and outer segments on neon color spreading. Experiment 4 tested how the degree of neon color spreading changed when inner and outer segments were added. The result showed that the impact of outer segments was stronger than inner segments on neon color spreading in collineartity and continuity. However, the effects of identical spaces and lengths were less important than collinearity and continuity on color spreading. In contrast with addition of inner segments, when outer segments were added color spreading were reduced significantly. These results suggest that the centrifugal color spreading is stronger than centripetal spreading and that the subjective contours and the color spreading are caused by separate mechanisms.


A gray ring placed against a black and white background is perceived as uniformly bright unless two half rings are separated, which is known as Koffka's ring. When the width of the ring was narrowed, each half ring was perceived to have different brightness. In the present study, the dependency of uniform brightness on the width of ring was tested by manipulating the length of inner contour of the ring and width of contacting lines between two half rings, which are covaried with the width of Koffka's ring. The results showed that the length of inner contour has little effect, but the brightness of half rings is greatly changed depending on the length of contacting lines. These results suggest that uniform brightness in Koffka's ring would be produced by mixture of the different brightness from each of half rings and a sufficient region might be necessary for brightness spreading.


The present study examined the effects of processing an attended figure on the perception of an unattended figure in a two overlapping novel figure task. Rock & Gutman(1981) reported that unattended figures were rarely recognized because of the absence of attention in this task, which was defined as ‘inattentional blindness’'(IB)'. They also suggested that attention processes both the outer and inner structure of an attended figure. To explore whether attention selectively processes the structural features of a novel figure, thus affecting the perception of an unattended figure, we manipulated attentional capacity by two different instructions, the outer structure coding instruction(OSCI) and the inner structure coding instruction(ISCI). It was assumed that depending upon instructions, recognition rates of unattended figures should be varied as the amount of residual capacity would be different after processing the attended figure. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants with the ISCI maintained IB in which the unattended figures were not perceived, whereas participants with the OSCI disengaged from IB, recognizing more than half of the unattended figures. The results show that attention does not carry out the integrated processing of the inner and outer structure of a figure and that IB is primarily determined by attentional capacity and perceptual intention regarding a figure.


Emotion can increase true memory and decrease false memory in DRM paradigm. The directed-forgetting instruction generates lower true memory and higher false memory rates. The present study was designed to investigate how emotion and directed-forgetting instruction had influence on true and false memories in DRM paradigm. Two experiments with the directed-forgetting procedures were conducted. In experiment 1, the list-method procedure was used for the directed-forgetting. The results showed that false memory rates with emotional lists were lower than neutral lists in remember condition, however, in forget condition, false memory increased with emotional lists. In experiment 2, the item-method procedure was used for the instruction. Just as a result of experiment 1, the reduction of false memory appeared only in the remember condition. The results of two experiments indicated that emotion had an effect on the decline of false memory and the directed-forgetting instruction attenuated this effect. The theoretical implication of results was discussed by activation/monitoring theory.


This study introduced the development of a ‘low-cost eye-tracking device’ using a common web camera, an infra-red light, and PC. Two experiments were conducted to validate the utility of the eye-tracking device. In experiment 1, using a 25 fixation point display and an artificial face, the spatial resolution of the device was examined. In experiment 2, manipulating the presence/absence of the change-cue, we tried to replicate the change-blindness experiment by Levin & Simons(1997), and examined the eye-movement patterns for each condition. As results, it was observed that the number of fixation points in the change-cue condition were 92% higher, and the maximum fixation-dwelling time were 58% shorter than those in the no-cue condition. Finally, limitations and future developments of a low-cost eye-tracking device were discussed.


In the present study utilizing functional MRI technique, we aimed to examine the neural circuitries uniquely involved in encoding facial attractiveness and happy expression in the absence of explicit attention. While being scanned, 22 female subjects performed a simple working memory task, where they were asked to report whether a target face was included in an immediately preceding block of 10 novel faces. At the end of the experiment, subjects saw all the faces once again and rated each of them in terms of subjectively perceived facial attractiveness and happiness. In order to examine the neural systems engaged uniquely in encoding facial attractiveness and facial happiness, the hemodynamic responses to face images were modulated separately by the parameters of normative facial attractiveness and happiness ratings. The analyses revealed that the ventral striatum as well as the medial temporal lobe including the amygdala and the anterior hippocampus showed a significant positive correlation with facial attractiveness, but not with facial happiness, whereas the rostral anterior cingulate cortex and posterior cingulate cortex showed a significant positive correlation with facial happiness, but not with facial attractiveness. To our best knowledge, the present study demonstrated for the first time that facial attractiveness and facial happiness may be encoded by separate neural mechanisms even in the absence of direct attention.

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology