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The Relationship between Personality and Subjective Well-being: Focused on Big 5 Personality Factors and BAS/BIS

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2009, v.15 no.1, pp.169-186

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This study aims to investigate the relationship between personality, especially temperament and subjective well-being. The participants were 681 college students (211 males and 470 females), whose ages ranged from 17 to 37 (M=20.91, SD=2.36). The instruments utilized in the present study were Korean Version of BAS/BIS Scale, The Big Five Locator, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Life Satisfaction Motivation Scale, Life Satisfaction Expectancy Scale, Emotion Frequency Test, and Subjective Happiness Scale. Result indicated that women expected more positive future than men did, while no gender differences were found in any other well-being variables. Correlational analyses revealed that emotional stability and extroversion were closely associated with life satisfaction, happiness, positive and negative emotion, whereas behavioral activation system (BAS) and behavioral inhibition system (BIS) were more closely associated with motivation to live and expectancy of satisfactory life. There was close relationship between conscientiousness and subjective well-being, because they were college students. As a internal factor, personality was better predictor for subjective well-being of female students. For instance, it accounted for around 35% variance of female's subjective happiness. The present findings reiterate the role of personality in quality of life, and it was discussed with characteristics of subjects, situational factors, and previous studies.

성격, 웰빙, 삶의 동기, 삶의 만족, 삶의 기대, 정서, 행복, personality, well-being, motivation to live, satisfaction with life, expectancy of satisfactory life, emotion, happiness



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues