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Adults’ perception of elderly parents care and related variables in family structures

Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues / Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues, (P)1229-0661; (E)1229-0661
2016, v.22 no.3, pp.455-485

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The purpose of this research is to investigate adult’s perception of elderly parents care and differences of related variables between family structures. There were 1,258 participants(age 45; male=601, female=657; 1,111=nuclear, 147=extended). The measures yielded Cronbach α=.67∼.95, inter-judger reliability= 95.1%, Kappa=.95. The results showed that, first, there were no significant differences between two family structures in terms of SES excepting academic career. Second, there were significant differences between two family structures in family relation, psychological characteristics. That is, adults in the extended family, versus those in the nuclear family, provide greater emotional support to children, sacrificed more towards children, and have greater expectations for children supporting them when they retire. Also, adults in the extended family displayed greater self-efficacy and happiness. Third, there were significant differences between two family structures in caring for elderly parents. Adults in the extended family apportioned a greater parent's allowance, and more number of meals with parents, and spent more time talking with parents, and displayed greater degree of filial piety and more caring behavior towards parents. Fourth, as for the perception of caring for elderly parents according to family structure, when adults were asked about “the best way to care for parents”, the most frequent response was providing a peace-of-mind for parents. As for “the most difficult aspect of caring for parents”, differences in opinions followed by financial difficulty were the most. As for “the best aspects of caring for parents”, the most frequent responses were good for children's upbringing and family harmony. Based on the results, suggestions for further research have been discussed.

가족형태, 핵가족, 대가족, 노부모 부양인식, 노부모 부양행동, Family structure, nuclear family, extended family, perception of elderly parents care, behavior of elderly parent care.



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Korean Psychological Journal of Culture and Social Issues