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Vol.22 No.2


This study investigated the influence of age of acquisition(AoA) on skilled reading using eyetracking. Although many studies have suggested that AoA would affect the performance of skilled readers, the issue of AoA in reading has been a controversial and much disputed subject within the field of psycholinguistics. Zevin & Seidenberg(2002, 2004) have presented an important methodological critique of previous studies of AoA effects. They argued that previous studies would have not found AoA effects if cumulative frequency had been controlled adequately. The main issue addressed in this paper is whether AoA effect would be found when subjective frequency, which is assumed to replace cumulative frequency, is controlled. In Experiment 1, participants read sentences with early and late acquired words controlled on SF. Single fixation duration, first fixation duration, and gaze duration of early acquired words were shorter than those of late acquired words. In Experiment 2, other participants also read sentences with high and low frequency words controlled on AoA. There was no frequency effect for single fixation duration, first fixation duration, and gaze duration. Results from these two experiments demonstrate that AoA affects eye fixation durations during sentence reading.


The warning instruction for the memory illusion during DRM task is one of the simple and effective resolutions to avoid false memory about critical lures. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of warning to reduce false memory and cognitive effort at encoding within DRM paradigm. Fifty-two and forty eight volunteers participated in experiment 1 and 2 each. In experiment 1, the warning instruction and level of processing for study lists were manipulated. Participants were randomly assigned in either warning condition or no-warning condition. They were asked to rate pleasantness for the presenting words or to respond the exact color of words. At the test phase, general recognition test was administrated to observe true and false memory. The warning led less false memory for shallow processing lists relative to deep processing ones. In experiment 2, the warning and generative processing were manipulated. As like experiment 1, half of participants were given a demonstration of the memory illusion and were instructed to avoid it before lists presentation. Participants were informed that 40 words or 40 word fragments would be presented and then they were asked to generate or read the words during the study phase. The warning instruction decreased false memory rates more with read items relative to generated items. The results of two experiments suggest that “cognitive effort” at encoding has advantage to reduce false memory and that the warning for memory illusion can decrease false memory more when the effort is less. The theoretical implications of results were discussed based on activation/monitoring framework.

Youngshin Park(Department of Psychology Korea University) ; Ki-joong Kim(Department of Psychology Catholic University of Korea) pp.143-159

The warning instruction for the memory illusion during DRM task is one of the simple and effective resolutions to avoid false memory about critical lures. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of warning to reduce false memory and cognitive effort at encoding within DRM paradigm. Fifty-two and forty eight volunteers participated in experiment 1 and 2 each. In experiment 1, the warning instruction and level of processing for study lists were manipulated. Participants were randomly assigned in either warning condition or no-warning condition. They were asked to rate pleasantness for the presenting words or to respond the exact color of words. At the test phase, general recognition test was administrated to observe true and false memory. The warning led less false memory for shallow processing lists relative to deep processing ones. In experiment 2, the warning and generative processing were manipulated. As like experiment 1, half of participants were given a demonstration of the memory illusion and were instructed to avoid it before lists presentation. Participants were informed that 40 words or 40 word fragments would be presented and then they were asked to generate or read the words during the study phase. The warning instruction decreased false memory rates more with read items relative to generated items. The results of two experiments suggest that "cognitive effort" at encoding has advantage to reduce false memory and that the warning for memory illusion can decrease false memory more when the effort is less. The theoretical implications of results were discussed based on activation/monitoring framework.


Two experiments examined the relationship between attention capacity and shape perception. In Experiment 1, participants performed an incidental learning task in which they evaluated an attended shape with one of two associability instructions, while ignoring an unattended shape. The difficulty of the target shape was also varied in two conditions, overlapped in a few versus multiple places. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the participants in all conditions showed perception of the unattended novel form. To control participants' intention implementation, a sequential associability instruction was used in Experiment 2. Three of all four conditions showed evidence for perception of unattended form. No significant correlation between attended and unattended shape recognition rates in two experiments was observed. These findings suggest that residual capacity is responsible for perception of the unattended form.


Memories and emotional responses were collected from Korean young and elderly people one week, three months, and six months after Korean President Roh's sudden death and North Korea nuclear test that occurred at about the same time. President Roh's death had greater emotional impact than North Korea's nuclear test for both young and elderly people. The latter group experienced more intense emotions to both events and still had lingering emotions about President Roh's death six months later. However, the two groups showed no difference in recall of episodic details about the two events, while both groups recalled more about President Roh's death. Flashbulb memories of President Roh's death decreased at first but not after three months, whereas flashbulb memories of North Korea nuclear test decreased steadily as time passed. These results show that emotional intensity is a critical factor in flashbulb memory and emotional functions of elderly people are not weakened. Although elderly people had experienced decline in cognitive functions, they recalled episodic details of the flashbulb events not less than young people. This result indicates that relatively well-functioning emotional processes could complement cognitive weakness related to old age. Changes of vividness, confidence, emotional and visceral reactions are also surveyed. Some results conflicting with previous studies on flashbulb memory were also discussed.


The present study examined human observers’ perceptual capacity to estimate time-to-contact (TTC) of an approaching object under severely perturbed or impoverished optic flow that compromised TTC information, in particular, local tau1. In Experiment 1, non-spherical objects approached the observation point while rotating either about one (horizontal or vertical) or two axes. The objects were depicted using random dots that varied in density (4, 16, 64, or 256 dots), half of which were projected to the observer. Under object rotation, the surface dots were displaced or even disappeared. These manipulations severely compromised the optical pattern specifying local tau1. In Experiment 1, performance degraded with decreasing dot density. Particularly, performance in the 4 dot density condition differed significantly from performance in the three higher density conditions. Experiment 2 examined whether these results accurately depicted the capacity of the human visual system. Objects either approached, or retreated from, the observation point; and participants were asked to judge the direction of the object’s motion. With an overall accuracy of 89%, most objects’ motion directions were identified reliably, even in the 4 dot density condition. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that the human visual system is capable of coping with adverse conditions by extracting requisite information, in particular, local tau1, that specifies the TTC of an approaching object, even from severely perturbed and impoverished optic flow. However, the present results also demonstrate that, under certain extreme conditions such as those engendered by rugby ball shaped object that rotated 90 deg over their approaches to the observation point, the visual system can fail, a finding consistent with that reported by Gray and Regan (2000).


This study investigated the frequency and length effect on eye fixation in Korean reading using eye-tracking. In study 1, the eye movement data collected during reading a novel were analyzed with regression analysis on a word cluster(eojeol). Frequency predicted first fixation time, single fixation time and gaze duration on eojeols and length predicted single fixation time and gaze duration. However, interaction between two variables, frequency and length, did not predict any fixation times. In study 2, the experiment factorially designed with word frequency and length was carried out to compensate for a limitation of study 1, using eojeol items, not words. First fixation time and single fixation time were shorter in high-frequency words than in low-frequency words. On gaze duration, there were significant main effects of word frequency and length, and also the interaction between them. In addition, it was found that there was a reverse length effect on the next word of the target. The results from study 1 and 2 were discussed in the context of models of eye movement control in reading.


We investigated some language comprehension tasks whether they can be used as psychometric tests(or assessment tools). An exploratory experiment were performed to examine lexical processing times by using lexical decision & sentence verification tasks. Used experimental variables were numbers of syllable, frequency, phonological change, & typicality. We analysed the results by using ANOVA, estimated omega square, generalizability coefficients, and factor analysis in order to examine treatment effects, explained variance, and the reliability and validity of experimental results. All these result suggested the experimental variables and tasks that we used could be good psychometric tests. We discussed some limitations of this study.


Due to the recent developments in commercial statistical packages, vast amount of research articles based on multivariate statistics have been published. While the multivariate statistics have advantages over the univariate statistics in dealing with more complicated research hypothesis, abuses and misuses in it's application have been frequently noticed in many researches, due to the underlying complexities. Specifically, it is difficult to understand the basic principle due to the mathematical complexities underlying in it, henceforth making the interpretation of the analysis result be difficult. Even worse, different choice of the analysis methods sometimes result in contradicting results, making the interpretation implausible. This study tried to examine the cases of misuses in the application of multivariate statistics, and to identify the problems. Finally, several precautions for reducing the incidents was proposed.

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology