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Vol.22 No.4


Motion-induced blindness (MIB) is a phenomenon, where salient and stationary objects in full view disappear and reappear intermittently, superimposed onto a background of coherent, apparent global moving pattern(Bonneh, Cooperman, Sagi, 2001). It was investigated whether there was MIB under Motion Aftereffect (Exp. 1), moving phantom (Exp. 2), and Phantom Motion Aftereffect (Exp. 3). In Experiment 1, a perceptual-disappearance of targets under MAE was observed. In Experiment 2, similar to the stimulus pattern of Snowden and Milne(1997)'s study, motion was presented in two quarters of circle area which were facing each other. As a result, MIB was observed not only at the motion area(present moving stimuli), but also the blank area(no moving stimuli). In Experiment 3, MIB was observed under phantom MAE(Snowden & Milne, 1997), even though not strong. In conclusion, first, a motion like MAE could induce MIB. Second MIB could be experienced at empty area near to motion-occurring field. Therefore, it is suggested that it is important internal motion signal for MIB, regardless of its origin: real motion vs. motion aftereffect. In addition, there must be a close relationship between MIB and motion signal which is generated by MAE and/or wide-field motion.


The present study investigated emotional recognition in subjects with psychopathic tendency using event-related potentials. On the basis of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised(Lee et al., 2007), undergraduate students were divided into psychopathic tendency(n=20) and control(n=20) groups. Task 1 and Task 2 were visual oddball tasks of emotional recognition. In all tasks, standard stimuli were neutral facial expressions. Target stimuli of Task 1 were fear and sad facial expressions and target stimuli of Task 2 were happy and sad facial expressions. Subjects were required to press the button whenever the presented stimuli were emotional facial expressions. Both groups showed significantly lower accuracies in the fear stimuli than the sad stimuli. The psychopathic tendency group exhibited slower reaction time in the fear stimuli than the sad stimuli. In Task 1 and Task 2, both groups showed that P300 component was elicited by the target stimuli at the parietal sites for 400-600 ms. There were no significant differences in the amplitude and latency of P300 between groups and stimuli condition of emotion. However, in the psychopathic tendency group, P300 elicited by fear stimuli revealed greater amplitude than sad stimuli at frontal electrode sites. This pattern of P300 amplitude difference was not observed in the control group. These results indicate that undergraduate students with psychopathic tendencies exhibit weak emotional recognition deficits.


When two stimuli are briefly displayed in sequence at a location in the visual field, backward masking, in which identification of the preceeding stimulus is hindered by a subsequent mask stimulus, is induced. This study aimed to test the object-substitution hypothesis (Enns & Di Lollo, 1997, 2000) recently proposed for the mechanism of backward masking by observing the effect of four-dot and pattern-backward masking on target identification in a feature-absent search. Experiment 1 and 2 combined feature-absent search in which a target without a Vernier offset is searched after and multiple-masking paradigms to prevent immediate attention to a salient mask, and thus minimized target recognition errors by spatially focused attention onto a subsequent pop-out mask. The drop of target identification accuracy by increasing number of displayed items (setsize effect) was more evident as a mask-offset delay increases under the four-dot masking and as a mask-onset delay decreases under the pattern-backward masking respectively. The results indicate that both visual masking may occur due to object-substitution during a perceptual processing stage rather than a post-perceptual attentive or than a sensory interaction stage.


A significant recognition of ignored nontarget was demonstrated in a task which stressed perceptual intentions of processing an unfamiliar shape (H.-J. Kim & J.-O. Kim, 2010; H.-W. Cho & J.-O. Kim, 2010). This result was accounted for by a residual capacity hypothesis which proposes that when processing the target leaves residual capacity, the structure of the nontarget might be described. An alternative hypothesis argues that failure of attention control of the target contributes to recognition of the nontarget. Using a set overlapping shapes of a target with two nontargets, two experiments examined predictions derived from competing hypotheses. Two experiments demonstrated a superior recognition of identical nontargets over that of different nontargets. These results provide a strong support for the residual capacity hypothesis.


This research examined the role of adult attachment style in subjective and neurophysiological aspects of human emotion. Experimental participants were classified into secure, fearful/avoidant, preoccupied and avoidant attachment style by the Relationship Questionnaire. During resting baseline, frontal brain asymmetry(FBA), heart rate(HR) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia(RSA) were recorded. After each 60 sec. rest period, self-reported emotional arousal and pleasantness, FBA, HR, and RSA were analysed while participants watched video-clips inducing happiness, fear and sadness with attachment-related content. At baseline, secure group showed higher left midfrontal activation than avoidant group and showed higher RSA than both fearful/avoidant and preoccupied groups. Secure individuals displayed higher arousal feelings, higher left midfrontal activation, lower HR and higher RSA to emotional video clips. Fearful/avoidant individuals responded to emotional stimuli with higher arousal feelings and higher right midfrontal activation and responded to negative stimuli with higher HR and lower RSA. Preoccupied individuals reported higher aroused subjective experiences to emotional stimuli and showed higher left midfrontal activation, higher HR and RSA to happiness clip, whereas opposite FBA and RSA patterns were observed in response to fear clip. Avoidant individuals responded to fear stimuli with lower arousal feelings, higher left midfrontal activation, and lower HR. These results suggest that attachment experiences could influence individual variability in emotion regulation and modulate underlying neurophysiological processes including FBA and vagal tone.


Can people intentionally control their memories, when they are instructed to suppress irrelevant information? What happens when people have been admonished to forget stereotypical information in a stereotype activated situation? This study examined the effects of directed forgetting of stereotypical information by using the list method. Participants studied stereotypical and nonstereotypical words either with an initially activated social category (elderly people prime) or with no social category (neutral prime). They were then instructed to either forget or remember the studied words. Unfortunately, the results showed word list effects so that stereotypical items were overall better recalled than neutral words, regardless of stereotype activation, instruction of directed forgetting and secondary task. However, partly consistent with Macrae et al. (1997), the directed-forgetting effects were not founded for the stereotypical items, when categorical primes were activated, whereas they were obtained for nonstereotypical information in the neutral condition. Implications of the outcome for stereotype suppression are discussed.


Explicit information for memory is believed to be stored relatively stable after its conversion to a long-term memory(LTM) in the hippocampus, following the organism's elaborative processing of it. Systems (re)consolidation addresses the importance of dynamic properties of explicit LTM, and consequently has attracted modern memory researchers. According to this theory, the engram of the explicit LTM formed in the hippocampus transfers gradually to the cerebral cortex as the memory consolidates. When reactivated, the engram tends to return to the hippocampus, leading to the integration of additional pieces of information, and then is retransmitted up to the cerebral cortex. Although considerable neuropsychological data underlying this theory have been obtained from medial temporal lobe-lesioned patients including H.M., modern memory-related researches based on these cases have little addressed a possible direct serial linkage of extents of their brain damages to ranges of their failure in retrieving explicit memory. Furthermore, the researches have little reflected the patients' various aspects seen during their memory retrieval onto the dynamic flow of the explicit LTM during systems (re)consolidation. Therefore, the present review, regarding the hippocampus-dependent explicit memory, accounted for the patients' various characteristics of the memory retrieval depending upon their ranges of brain damage, via serial combination of their discrete individual cases on the basis of the systems (re)consolidation theory. The present approach provides a useful framework in reinterpreting these cases dynamically.


The Constructive Multiple-choice Testing (CMT) system is a new computerized testing system developed to supplement the weaknesses of the multiple-choice (MC) format. The CMT system involves having the examinee respond to the stem first in the short answer format and then in the MC format. Therefore, one can see whether or not the examinee chose the correct option in the MC format because he or she actually knew the answer by checking the short answer portion of the examinee's response. The current study was carried out to examine whether there is any difference in the scores obtained from the CMT test as opposed to the short answer or the MC tests. Two hundred and twenty seven 6th graders in elementary school were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In Experiments 1 and 2, comparison was made between the performance of the group who took the test in the CMT format and that of the group who took the test in the short answer format. In Experiment 1, where the instruction for the CMT test was that the two portions would be graded separately, the mean of the short answer portion of the CMT group was lower than that of the short answer format group. However, in Experiment 2, the examinees were told that the short answer portion would be weighed 9 times as heavily as the multiple-choice portion (90% vs. 10%). There was no difference in the means of the short answer responses between the two groups. In Experiment 3, the means of the multiple-choice responses were compared between the CMT group and the multiple-choice group. The CMT group was given the same instruction as in Experiment 2. The result revealed that the mean of the MC portion of the CMT group was higher than that of the MC group. These results suggest that the performance is not affected by having the examinees respond twice if more points are allotted to the short answer portion of the CMT format.


A detailed manipulation of participants’ intention to novel shapes resulted in nontarget recognition (H.-J. Kim & J.-O. Kim, 2010; H.-W. Cho & J.-O. Kim, 2010). A residual capacity hypothesis attributed nontarget perception as being due to capacity remained after target processing for connecting contour parts of the ignored shape. To test the predictions derived from this hypothesis, two experiments varied capacity expenditure of contour tracing, external structure encoding, or associative encoding of an unfamiliar shape. A faster tracing with the external structure encoding condition and an easier association task with tracing condition demonstrated evidence for the nontarget shape recognition. These findings confirmed the predictions generated from the residual capacity hypothesis.


People tend to set a higher price on the same good when they are in selling position (WTA; willingness to accept) than in buying position (WTP; willingness to pay). One of the main factors that affect this tendency is the availability of substitute. When there is an available substitute, people can obtain similar utility from it so that WTA and WTP will not exceed the price of the substitute and the disparity between WTA and WTP will be reduced. In experiment 1, we examined whether availability and subjective substitutability of the substitute can reduce WTA-WTP disparity. Results showed that availability of the substitute reduced the WTA-WTP disparity in median values but subjective substitutability did not. In experiment 2, we examined whether price information of the substitute can reduce the WTA-WTP disparity. While one group(price group) was told the price of the substitute, the other group(control group) was not. Results showed that WTA was significantly higher than WTP even in the price group, but the median values of WTA and WTP in both groups became the same. Furthermore, magnitude of the disparity between WTA and WTP in price group was decreased by 55%, compared with control group. In sum, the results of two experiments indicate that the availability and the price information of substitute are more important factors than subjective substitutability. Finally, we suggested further research directions.


A Korean noun eojeol (hakkyo'ei) is a combination of a noun (hakkyo) and a particle (ei). Early studies suggested that a noun eojeol was decomposed into a noun and a particle before accessing the pre-existing mental lexicon. The present study investigated the representation and processing of eojeols using the primed lexical decision and eojeol judgment tasks. Response times to target words (Exp. 1) and target eojeols (Exp. 2) were measured. In Exp. 1, it was found that even the masked eojeol primes facilitated the responses to the target nouns which were the same one as included in the priming eojeols (kai'in'ui—kai'in). This result supports the possibility that decomposition and activation of noun might take place at the earliest stage of eojeol processing. In Exp. 2, in the condition of masked prime, priming effects were almost the same between pairs sharing the same eojeol (kakyek'ul—kakyek'ul) and pairs sharing only noun (kakyek'i—kakyek'ul), but in the SOA 200㎳ condition, priming effects were significantly larger for the same eojeol pairs than the same noun pairs. The former result suggests that there might be no pre-existing store for eojeols, and the latter one indicates that an eojeol representation is formed by combining a noun and a particle at a later stage. Other issues related to Korean eojeol representation and processing were discussed with reference to word recognition and sentence comprehension.


This study introduced methods for improving the spatial and temporal resolutions of the previous version of a low-cost eye-tracking device. Research 1 described how the newly developed device was improved in hardware and software aspects compared to the previously developed one. Specifically, the spatio-temporal resolution was improved by replacing the eye camera with a PS3 eye camera, and the analysis software was replaced with OGAMA, which offers various analyses including scan path and fixation dwellings. Research 2 confirmed the improvements of spatio-temporal resolutions through the demonstration of fixation patterns of 25 fixation points and a digital image. Finally, we discussed limitations and future directions of the eye-tracking device.

The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology