ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of present study is to investigate the relationship between the relative deprivation and individual and social identity of North Korean defectors, and how much the relative deprivation influence the psychological adaptation. For this, we treated the concept of relative deprivation both group level and individual level, and both in-group situation and out-group situation. And we included the absolute deprivation, and developed the absolute deprivation scale. We surveyed 121 North Korean Defectors' relative and absolute deprivation, individual and social identity, and psychological adaptation index. We found that the absolute deprivation correlated the relative deprivation significantly. And, we got the result that individual identity and the social identity for South Korea affect the absolute deprivation and relative deprivation positively, and the social identity for North Korea affect the two deprivation negatively. This result resemble the fraternal deprivation pattern of the Deutch born in the east region. Finally, the two deprivation of the North Koreans affected on depression and life satisfaction positively.
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