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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI
鄭良殷(서울大學校 心理學科) pp.1-23
윤진(영남대학교 심리학과) pp.24-43


The theoretical background on personal space behavior is reviewed from the viewpoints of ethology, anthropology, and personality/ social psychology. The body-boundary system, territoriality, concentric circle, nonconcentric fluctuating globes, and situationally-evoked oscillating ring are considered as the concept of personal space. In the second part, the current methodology of personal space measurement is discussed. The specific methods are classified as follows : field/ real life/ natural observation, laboratory/ experimental manipulation, simulation, and paper-and-pencil techniques. In addition, the necessity of new methods for mare objective and scientific measurement is proposed.

洪大植(全北大學校 心理學科) pp.44-77

본 논문에서는 Heider와 Newcomb 등의 均衡理論들이 부딪치고 있는 문제점들을 지적하고, 그것들에 대한 대안적 이론들을 제시하고, 대인 관계상황에 대한 반응을 설명할 수 있는 종합된 이론을 제시하려 하였다. 먼저 삼원적 사회관계의 상황에 대한 인지적, 감정적 및 행동적 반응을 구별할 것을 제안하였고, 인지적 반응에서는 다소 균형이론이 지지되었으나 감정적 및 냉동적 반 응에서는 지지받지 못했다는 점을 지적하였다. 둘째로 호(正)와 오(負)의 무게와 성질이 다르다는 점이 지적되었다. 대개의 경우에 正的 관계보다 負的 관계가 더 영향력이 크다는 점이 지적 되었다. P/O, P/X 및 O/X에 대한 반응에서 균형의 효과가 다름이 지적되었고 지각자는 세개의 관계에 대해서 여러가지 이유로 다른 조망을 가지고 있음을 지적하였다. 마지막으로 균형 효과는 삼원적 사회관계에 대해서 일부의 영향력밖에 지내고 있지 않음이 지적되었다. 이러한 몇가지 문제점을 해결하고 삼자관계의 상황에 대한 반응을 포괄적으로 설명할 수 있는 새로운 이론적 제안을 하였다.


This paper attempts to indicate the problems in the Heider's and Newcomb's theories of interpersonal balance, propose the alternative interpretations of those problems, and propose a new theortical model of interpersonal balance. It was proposed that the responses to the interpersonal situations had to be classified as cognitive, affective and conative or behaviroal responses. Secondly, it was indicated that positive and negative relations have different dynamic characteristics and weights in the interpersonal balance. Thirdly, it was proposed that perceiver have different perspectives on the P/O, PIX and O/X relations and, therefore, the balance effect must be different on these relations. Lastly, it was indicated that balance effect had a weak power on the response to the interpersonal situations. A new theoretical model was proposed to correct the problems of balance theory and to provide a inclusive framework.

趙兢鎬(全南大學校 心理學科) pp.78-100

본 실험은 他人에 대한 尊敬度評定은 외현적인 成就度에 의한 客觀的인 評定이라는 점에서 筆者의 先行硏究 (1974a, 1976, 1979a,b,c) 에서의 好惡次元印家과 같고, 和親評定은 行動定向에 대한 主觀的인 評價라는 점에서 和親次元印象과 같다는 점에서 출발하여 好惡次元印象은 知的 評價特性을 그리고 和親次元印象은 社會的 評價特性을 주요端緒로 하여 이루어지게 될 것이라는 假説을 검증한 것이다. 正的 單語와 負的 單語에서 각각 知的 評價特性과 社會的 評價特性을 표현하는 性格特性形容詞를 뽑아 이들 4種類의 單語集団에서 각각 4單語 組合을 만들었다 이들은 각각 제시된 單語組合에 대해 好惡次元印象과 和親火儿印象을 評定에게 하여 實験은 2 (正, 負 單語集団) x 2 (特性의 知的, 社會的評價次元) x 2 (好惡, 和親判断種類) 에서 單語集団과 特性의 評價次元이 反復測定된 要因設計로 진행되었다. 그 結果 正的 單語集団에서는 知的 評價特性組合의 好惡評定値가 社會的評價特性組合의 그것 보다 높고, 和親評定値는 社會的 評價特性組合이 知的評價特性 組合보다 높았다. 또한 負的 單語集団에서는 이와는 반대로 好惡評價値는 知的 評價特性組合이 社會的特性組合보다 낫고, 和親評定値는 社會的 評價特性組合이 知的 評價特性組合보다 낫았다. 이러한 결과는 本實験의 假説을 지지한 것이었으며, 이는 正的 單語組合보다는 負的 單語組合에서 더욱 두드러졌다.


In the studies of implicit personality theory, it was found that people evaluated others in terms of their social and their intellectual qualities. In a later study, Hamilton and Fallot (1974) found that presenting subjects with social attributes tended to affect judgements of a stimulus person's likability, whereas presenting them with intellectual attributes affected respect for the stimulus person. The respect judgement of the Hamilton and Fallot study was achieved through objective evaluation for the stimulus person, whereas the likability judgement was achieved through subjective evaluation for the stimulus person. In this respect, the respect judgement and the likability judgement of their study were identical with the author's (1974, 1976, 1979a, 1979b, 1979c) favorableness and likableness impression of the person respectively. From this inference, this study was designed to that the hypothesis that the intellectual evaluation attributes would affect subject's favorableness impression for the stimulus person, while the social evaluation attributes would affect their likableness impression for him. To test this hypothesis, 12 sets of personality trait adjectives (all sets were consisted of 4 adjectives) were constructed as the stimulus person in the 4 categories: 3 positive-intellectual attributes sets, 3 positive-social attributes sets, 3 negative-intellectual attributes sets, and 3 negative-social attributes sets. Subjects were 40 sophormores of CNU and they were divided into 2 groups consisted of 20 persons each (favorableness impression group and likableness impression group). The subjects of the faborableness impression group were asked to rate each of the stimulus person in terms of objective goodness or badness, and the subjects of the likableness impression group evaluated how much they would like or dislike each of the stimulus person subjectively, In both cases, the 41 point scale with 0 midpoint was used. The results were as follows: 1) In the positive words sets, the stimulus person characterized by intellectual qualities was rated higher than the stimulus person characterized by social qualities in the favorableness impression, but in the likableness impression, the latter was rated higher than the former: 2) In the negative words sets, the stimulus person characterized by intellectual qualities was evaluated lower than the stimulus person characterized by social qualities in the favorableness impression, whereas in the likableness impression, the latter was evaluated lower than the former. These results were discussed as supporting the hypothesis of this study. Therefore, in this study, it was concluded that the intellectual qualities of the stimulus person acted as the cue information of the objective favorableness impression (god-bad dimension) for him, while the soical qualities of the stimulus person acted as the cue information of the subjective likableness impression (like-dislike dimension) for him.

李秀遠(漢陽大學校 敎育學科) pp.101-123

態度와 行動사이의 불일치를 설명하기 爲하여 態度構造에서의 信念들의 同質性의 크기를 나타내는 個人內 變散指標로서 態度內變散을 조작하여 態度대상에 대한 信念들이 異質的이어서 態度內變散이 증가 할 때는 이 信念들이 同質的이어서 態度內變散이 감소할 때보다 態度와 行動의 不一致도 증가할 것을 예언했다. 이를 검증하기 위하여 130명의 大學生에게 TV에 對한 熊度와 態渡內變散을 Fishbein이 제안한 繼續的 統制聯想方法을 利用하여 測定한 後 2주 후에 그들에게 TV시청에 對한 行動을 重多行動準據를 使用하여 30가지 行動장면에서 알아보았다. 이 結果는 예언대로 態度變散이 낮은 집단에서 態度와 行動의 相關이 유의미하였으나 態度內變散이 높은 집단에서 이 關係가 유의미하지 않았다. 이 원인에 對한 분석에서 態度內變散의 크기가 각각의 행동장면에서 보여주는 행동들의 變散와 크기와 密接한 關係가 있는 것으로 나타나 개인의 態度가 행동장면이 바뀜에 따라 分殊化한다는 사실이 드러났다.


The individual difference approach to the issue of attitude-behavior consistency was examined in light of the intra-individual variability of the attitude. It was predicted that individuals whose attitudes have been relatively invariant (low intra-attitude variability) would be predicted well from their attitudes. In the first session, subjects completed the controled association of the attitude objects. Here, subjects' attitude(summation of the beliefs aroused from controled association) and intra-attitudinal variability (standard deviation of the beliefs aroused from controled association) were computed by Fishbein's attitude formulation. In the second session approximately 2 weeks later, several measures of subjects' reports of behaviors were obtained. Attitude-behavior correlations were then computed within each of both groups of subjects produced by a low-high intra-attitude variability. As predicted, only subject with low intra-attitude variability manifested high attitude-behavior correlation across all behavioral measures. The implications of the results for the individual difference variables and for the attitude-behavior consistency controversy were discussed.

張聖洙(漢陽大學校 敎育學科) pp.124-152

본 연구는 態度가 行動에 미치는 영향은 態度와 不一致되는 諸般 態度外 變因들의 압력과 이에 저항하여 態度와 一貫되도록 하려는 態度自體의 힘, 즉 態度强度의 相互作用으로 決定된다는 가정에서 출발한다. 態度强度는 態度의 構造를 반영하는 態度內 變散에 따라 個人이 갖게되는 態度의 確信度로 이해할 수 있는 바, 態度內 變散이 작은 態度일수록 態度에 대한 確信이 커지므로 態度의 行動豫言力이 클 것으로 가정되었다. 따라서 態度의 行動豫言力은 態度自體의 속성인 態度强度에 따라 분화되며 態度强度가 態度가 갖는 비교적 지속적인 속성임을 감안할때 이에따라 態度의 行動豫言力을 豫言할 수 있게 된다. 이는 態度로 行動이 잘 豫言되는 사람과 그렇지 않는 사람을 態度內 變散으로 변별한다는 의미가 된다. 上記 假定에 입각하여 3個의 假說을 說定하였다 ; 첫째, 態度內變散이 클수록 熊度로부터의 行動豫言誤差가 클 것이다. 둘째, 같은 態度値라도 態度內 變散이 클수록 行動豫言誤差가 클 것이다. 셋째, 態度內 變散과 獨立된 態度 極端度와 行動豫言誤差와의 相關은 없을 것이다. 態度內 變散은 기존의 態度測定 過程에서 算出될 수 있음에도 불구하고 간과되었던 바, Fishbein의 聯相法과 Thurstone 尺度에 의한 態度測定에서 이를 算出하여 上記 假說들은 檢證하였다. 그 結果 3個 假說 모두가 지시됨으로써, 態度强度와 態度의 極端度는 別個의 속성이며 態度內 變散에 따라 態度의 行動豫言力을 分化, 豫言할 수 있음이 입증되었다.


In this study it was assumed that the effect of attitude upon behavior is determined by interaction between the pressure of nonattitudinal variables which is discrepant with attitude and the attitude strength which resists against the pressure of nonattitudinal variables so that the behavior is consistant with the attitude. Attitude strength was considered as the individual's convingsness about his attitude resulted from intra-attitude variability of the attitude structure. The smaller the intra-attitude variability the more the individual's convingsness about his own attitude, and in turn the more is the behavior consistant with the attitude. And it was also assumed that attitude strength is different attribute of attitude from affective extremness which has been defined as attitude operationally, because even same attitude values can lave different intra-attitude variability. Three hypotheses were tested: First, the more the intra-attitude variability the more the error of predicted behavior from the attitude. Second, even though attitudes have same values, the more the intra-attitude variability, the more the error of predicted behavior from the attitude. Third, attitude extremness which is independant from intra-attitude variability will not correlate with the error of predicted behavior from attitude. This hypothesis implies that attitude extremness by itself is not an determinant of the error of the behavior prediction, whereas attitude strength determine the prediction error. This study performed a serial repeated measure of attitude, intra-attitude variability and behavior intention. To test above hypotheses, it was calculated correlation of intra-attitude variability with error of predicted behavior intention from attitude, partial correlation intra-attitude variability with the error of predicted behavior intention from attitude controlling for attitude extremness, and correlation of attitude extremness with error of the predicted behavior. Supporting all hypotheses, the results showed that all the correlations but last one were positive and statistically significant. The results illustrate that attitude strength which can be inferred from intra-attitude variability of attitude structure is a different attribute of attitude from attitude extremness and that behavior-predictability of attitude can be differentiated and predicted by the intra-attitude variability.

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격