ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationship among elements included in views of life and death in young adulthood. On the assumption that one's afterlife views and attitudes toward death influence life respect will, such as suicide inhibition, abortion inhibition and organ donation intention, the present investigation tried to construct a model on views of life and death. A hypothetical covariance structure model on views of life and death was tested. Participants were 456 university students. The results may be summarized as follows: First, in regard to the determinants of suicide inhibition, belief in afterlife and retribution was found to have facilitatory influence on suicide inhibition, and belief in souls' effects and transmigration, positive meaning of death and death awareness were found to have inhibitory influence. Second, in regard to the determinants of abortion inhibition, belief in afterlife and retribution was found to have facilitatory influence on abortion inhibition. and belief in souls' effects and transmigration, negative meaning of death were found to have inhibitory influence. Third, in regard to the determinants of organ donation intention, belief in afterlife and retribution, positive meaning of death and death awareness were found to have facilitatory influence on donation intention, and belief in souls' effects and transmigration was found to have inhibitory influence. In conclusion, the present study contributed to enhance our understanding of view of life and death in young adulthood by constructing a structural model of views of life and death including afterlife views, meanings of death, death anxiety, death concern and life respect will.
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